Saturday, April 18, 2009


Enhancing distributed communication is a project for B1.1 students on Industrial Design TU/e, proposed by Sam Nemeth, who is also the project coach. Communication plays a major role in human being’s daily life. Especially for people separated by a long distance it can be an issue to communicate properly. An important invention to enhance this translocal communication is video-connection. This technology allows both individuals to see and hear each other using a webcam.
Currently a new innovation is being developed using video-connection: the Webchair. This concept is meant for assisting persons isolated by sickness or long distance to regain personal contact.
The goal of this project is to create a concept that intensifies the translocal relationship using the videoconference system and adding gameplay in an innovative way. The possibilities of contribution of video-connection to intensify the relationship will be explored as well.
The results of the project will be a prototype where in the needed technology is integrated and which carries out the working and interaction of the concept.
The team consists of five B1.1 students:
Sacha I.Franken, David R. Hillebrand, Thomas P. Rus, Jan-Wisse Trooster and Mart H. Wetzels.

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