Wednesday, April 29, 2009



o Glasses to enter a virtual world together
o With use of augmented reality
o Customizable characters
o To place a screen on a daily life object, for instance a coffee mug
o Using colored light in both location to create the same atmosphere
o Using characters, like designer toys, to express emotions
o Characters as a medium to get in touch
o Even to get in touch with people far away off you but whom you are around with in daily life
o Combined playlist of both participants interests
o Dancing together on projected dance floor
o Mini-me, mini you, mini us; A rrobotic character designed to maneuver over the users desk to assist the user. A webcam is used for orientation.
• The robot can be used for different purposes:
• The Nuddy can aid the user by picking up pens or stick Post-Its on the desk for notes, turn
on light, pick up phone or select music to play
• Projection of drawings made on a tablet or illustration to make ideas, discussion more clear
• Projection used to leave messages for the other person when he is not around. This
messasge could be projected on the wall like: “wanna have dinner tonight?” or “Shall we
have a video conversation at eight o´clock?” or for loved ones “ I miss you bla bla”. The
projected message could be enhanced by adding music,which starts when the receiver
reads the message. Or illustrations or other files could be imported. The projected message
would be a surprise then for the receiver, when he enters his room.
• Messages could be left behind as sticky little strips with text on it.
• Shared interactive music playlist in a conference or normal video conversation. Depending
on subject of conversation and mood both users will have the same music, monitored by
both deskNuddy´s.
• Add Ambilight LivigColors to intensify atmosphere or mood.
o Race car controlled by both participants. One controls forward/backwards the other steers left and right. Both players will have a car in their home, both cars are controlled at the same time, the longer they drive without hitting anything the more points they earn.
o Drawing together on a digital drawing sheet, accessible for both user with a drawing tablet.
o Using webcam tracking combined with digital paper
o Using drawing pads make a drawing together
o Desk animals, give another meaning to regular desk items using webcam tracking the computer will play sounds when the objects are moved, a pencil will become a snake.
o Board games
o Different board games can be placed on top, magnets can move the pawns of the other
player(s) webcam tracking will register where the pawns are placed.
o NooMee (from Know Me)
3D puzzle:
• Using interests, passions or other sort of characteristics of each other to create a 3d
interactive puzzle. The puzzle is formed by illustrations, images etc that express certain
interests. The “pieces” are placed in a certain folder on their own computer.The puzzle
however only shows a part of the pieces. The participants have to search for recognition of
the images and link them to the other by interests hobbies experiences passions etc. The goal
is to intensify the distant relationship and connecting with each other on cognitive level.

• The 3D puzzle is a character with abstract forms like designer toys. On the body the pieces are
displayed as little boxes or more complex forms. To figure the puzzle out they have to
communicate to connect the different pieces to each other.
• Both users receive pieces belonging to the other. .
• Receive artwork drawing projected or displayed on the character. Or as appearance of the
character. This award is meant to inspire the user in their artwork, idea generation or other
• Additionally AmbiLight LivingColors can be used to create a creative, relaxing, fresh or other
kind of atmosphere in both users environment.
• When one wins, the toy reacts on the by throwing its hand in the air and a simple cheer, and
when one loses the toy shuts its eyes, looking sad or makes a funny sad action.

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