The goal of this concept is to create an atmosphere in which the players will have the feeling that they are playing a real game together, this will enhance their communication.
With the RP2 different traditional board games, such as monopoly and chess, can be played. As shown on figure 1, the board of the game you want to play can be placed in the RP2. Both players will have the RP2 on their desk so the same situation is created. One will move their own pawns, the pawns of the other player will be moved by the RP2 controlled by the computer. The optional technology to be used is described within the next paragraph. Additional board games and pawns can be bought and used with the RP2.
The pawns could be moved with an electromagnet. The electromagnet would be connected to two-step-motors that will move it using the X- and Y-axis as a reference.
Another way to move them over the board would be to use several coils. When electricity is running through the coils a magnetic field will be conducted, using the coils in a specific order will make the pawn move to the place you want it to move to.
With the use of a webcam the pawns can be recognized, using some reference points on the board the location of the pawns can be measured by the computer.
Another way is using the coils described in the movement section. Each of the pawns will have a different coil within them. When a pawn is placed within the magnetic field of the coils underneath the board, the force of the field will change, according to the level of change the pawn can be recognized.
Elco Jacobs, from the TU/e electronics lab , pointed out that this is realisable, but he thinks that it’s not feasible within 5 weeks.
There’s already an chess playing machine on the market that is based on the same idea. This game is only focussed on chess, the team thinks that more opportunities can be created when using different board games with the same device.
The goal of this concept is to create the feeling that the participants are drawing/writing on the same piece of paper.
The We-draw can be used when people want to express themselves in an old-fashioned way while having a video-conference, or using the Webchair. Both persons will have a placemat placed in front of them on their desk, when one is drawing on the placemat it will appear on his placemat as well as on the placemat of the other person.
This can also be used to play games together like tic-tac-toe and other games that you can play on a piece of paper.
Another way to draw together would be to use drawing tablets, or the pc. Both of the persons that are communicating will be able to make a drawing. A competition can be included if the persons need to make the drawing as fast as possible. Or that they need to make the same drawing together.
For the placemats E-ink could be investigated to find out whether it’s usable for this concept. It would be possible to place flat screen touch displays on the table to make the concept work.
There should be a programme made to link the placemats to each other on the computer.
Apart from drawing tablet-oriented games on the net in which people can draw together or alone, and things like file sharing like we all know it from msn or other conferencing software no existing products were found that were similar to the concept of the WE-DRAW.
Brainsketching the Nuddy's
The Nuddy is a small interactive robotic character, which will be designed to add value to the experience of communicating by video-connection. This will be realized by different interactions with the character. First of all the character can be used as a medium to communicate trough and visualizes messages. Secondly Nuddy can be linked to different daily objects to aid the user. Finally the character can be used to monitor and create a certain atmosphere concerning the videoconference.
The main “tool” for the character to communicate messages will be projection. With a small built-in beamer Nuddy can project messages on the wall or table. This can be in form of plain text or illustrations, to make ideas or discussions more clear. The projection can also be used to leave a message for a person while he is not around. For instance, when the user arrives at home, Nuddy tells him that a friend wants to go out for dinner or have a video-chat. Nuddy can also be used to operate daily life objects in the room of the user, like light, TV, music or an alarm. In this perspective Nuddy can be seen as a small personal assistant.
Another feature of Nuddy is that he can be customized.
It uses a small beamer to beam information like messages left by other users or reminders. There needs to be a technology which can receive information from the token and send that to the Nuddy. Microprocessors are used to create psychical movement and process the data gathered from the token.
There already exists a digital desktop buddy. This is 2D or 3D character appears on the desktop of the users laptop or pc. However this kind of desktop buddy is limited in its features and only provides a search and help function.
Scenario BumpBumpercar
The goal of this concept is to intensify the communication between the users by working together to control a remote control car.
The users have a remote controlled car in their room. The control of the car is split between the users; this can be done in two ways:
- One of the users will control the speed of the car and whether it’s moving forward or backwards. The other user will steer.
- The car could be provided with only two wheels that can be operated. Both of the users will control one wheel, the left or the right one. If they both give the signal to the car to move forward the car will go forward. If the user of the right wheel gives the signal to go forward and the user that operates the left wheel signals it to go backwards, the car will steer left.
The goal of the game is to make the users work together to get the highest score. The users need to communicate very clearly to prevent the car from crashing into an object in either of the rooms, since they will not be able to see the car riding trough the room of the other. The time in which the cars will ride true both rooms without hitting any obstacles will be translated into point that the players will earn.
Both ways to operate the cars will require the users to work together to avoid hitting obstacles and thereby loosing points. The car is placed on the floor, which is the starting point.
As it is very likely the car will crash into an object, the cars will have a soft bumper al around.
A nice feature to ad will be to place a webcam on top of the cars. This will give footage to both of the users when one of the cars hits something. Then the last ten seconds of the trip will be shown to both the users.
An electromotor needs to be used to move the car; left/right and forwards/backwards. A radio control transmitter will transfer the signals from the computer to the car.
Pressure sensors will be placed in the bumper to indicate when the car bumps into an object.
Next to the concepts we had some other ideas to enhance distributed communication. These ideas are not focused on game play, that’s why they are placed in this chapter.
The idea is to use coloured light such as the Philips “living colours” to change the colour in the room of the persons that are communicating. By chancing the colours, the mood of the persons can be influenced. When this is used in combination with videoconferencing one could try to end up with the same mood for both of the persons. If this is achieved, better communication would be possible since the persons will be in the same mood.
To improve the distributed communication between people, music could be used. Music is a medium which is often used by persons to express themselves, for instance their mood, emotions or even their lifestyle.
The idea behind 2-Tune-in is that a playlist will be made based on the playlists of the persons that are participating in a video-chat, and the same music will be played for both users. The song that will be put into the playlist will depend on the mood of the users or on the subject of the conversation.
To match the songs with the mood, the heart-rate of the users could be measured or their emotions could be analysed with the use of face-recognition in combination with the webcam.
To match songs with the conversation, voice recognition could be used, to find keywords that are linked to certain songs that cover those subjects.
The Token is a device that connects people to each other, who are often in each other’s neighbourhood. The Token will register which other tokens are around and will save this information in a database, this will provide the user the information of which people are often nearby him. This information could be useful because a lot of people work or live in the same environment as the other, but never really talk to each other because e.g. the barrier (or personal distance) between them is too large. The computer of the user will collect the data, combines both user profiles and will check whether they have common interests. The result of this could be that the persons will have a ‘conversation topic’ which could lead to personal contact. This wouldn’t have or less likely happened if they didn’t use the tokens. This makes it possible for people who have a psychological distance, but not necessarily a physical distance, to meet.
Technology discussed with Elco Jacobs from the TU/e Electronics lab, 04-27-2009.
Youtube movie (11-15-2007) Phantom Force Chess Computer (Autoplay Game),
Available at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJADuhQAUQ0
[Accessed on] 04-27-2009
Drawing game oriented on a tablet but also usable with a mouse
Available at: http://img.stamen.com/drawing/lines_splat.html
[Accessed on] 04-27-2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
o Glasses to enter a virtual world together
o With use of augmented reality
o Customizable characters
o To place a screen on a daily life object, for instance a coffee mug
o Using colored light in both location to create the same atmosphere
o Using characters, like designer toys, to express emotions
o Characters as a medium to get in touch
o Even to get in touch with people far away off you but whom you are around with in daily life
o Combined playlist of both participants interests
o Dancing together on projected dance floor
o Mini-me, mini you, mini us; A rrobotic character designed to maneuver over the users desk to assist the user. A webcam is used for orientation.
• The robot can be used for different purposes:
• The Nuddy can aid the user by picking up pens or stick Post-Its on the desk for notes, turn
on light, pick up phone or select music to play
• Projection of drawings made on a tablet or illustration to make ideas, discussion more clear
• Projection used to leave messages for the other person when he is not around. This
messasge could be projected on the wall like: “wanna have dinner tonight?” or “Shall we
have a video conversation at eight o´clock?” or for loved ones “ I miss you bla bla”. The
projected message could be enhanced by adding music,which starts when the receiver
reads the message. Or illustrations or other files could be imported. The projected message
would be a surprise then for the receiver, when he enters his room.
• Messages could be left behind as sticky little strips with text on it.
• Shared interactive music playlist in a conference or normal video conversation. Depending
on subject of conversation and mood both users will have the same music, monitored by
both deskNuddy´s.
• Add Ambilight LivigColors to intensify atmosphere or mood.
o Race car controlled by both participants. One controls forward/backwards the other steers left and right. Both players will have a car in their home, both cars are controlled at the same time, the longer they drive without hitting anything the more points they earn.
o Drawing together on a digital drawing sheet, accessible for both user with a drawing tablet.
o Using webcam tracking combined with digital paper
o Using drawing pads make a drawing together
o Desk animals, give another meaning to regular desk items using webcam tracking the computer will play sounds when the objects are moved, a pencil will become a snake.
o Board games
o Different board games can be placed on top, magnets can move the pawns of the other
player(s) webcam tracking will register where the pawns are placed.
o NooMee (from Know Me)
3D puzzle:
• Using interests, passions or other sort of characteristics of each other to create a 3d
interactive puzzle. The puzzle is formed by illustrations, images etc that express certain
interests. The “pieces” are placed in a certain folder on their own computer.The puzzle
however only shows a part of the pieces. The participants have to search for recognition of
the images and link them to the other by interests hobbies experiences passions etc. The goal
is to intensify the distant relationship and connecting with each other on cognitive level.
• The 3D puzzle is a character with abstract forms like designer toys. On the body the pieces are
displayed as little boxes or more complex forms. To figure the puzzle out they have to
communicate to connect the different pieces to each other.
• Both users receive pieces belonging to the other. .
• Receive artwork drawing projected or displayed on the character. Or as appearance of the
character. This award is meant to inspire the user in their artwork, idea generation or other
• Additionally AmbiLight LivingColors can be used to create a creative, relaxing, fresh or other
kind of atmosphere in both users environment.
• When one wins, the toy reacts on the by throwing its hand in the air and a simple cheer, and
when one loses the toy shuts its eyes, looking sad or makes a funny sad action.
Friday, April 24, 2009
The requirements are based on the project description, coach meetings, the first client meeting – with Graham Smith, using Skype – and the pressure cooker
• Enhancing distributed communication.
• Using gameplay to achieve the requirement above.
• Using video-connection (WebChair).
• Products/objects in both locations need to be in the same state so a similar environment is created in both locations.
• People need to be able to use the product intuitively.
• No need of use of the computer, only use of the WebChair and the product.
• If the user uses the device in the wrong way, this should not result in a fatal error.
• The device should give feedback to the user, so a clear relation will be created between the virtual and real physical world.
The goal of this brainstorm was to come up with ideas for the project.
Different objects were used to base the ideas on:
Each of the group members got one of the items and had to write three ideas down on the paper. Then the papers were given to the next group member who had to write three ideas down based on the ideas already on the paper. This was repeated until all team members used every object.
In the first round every person had to think of an idea using the thoughts, associations, experiences with that particular object. The ideas could be anything that is thought off, reality or fantasy. This creates the most diverse perspective and enhances the possibility of new, innovative ideas.
When the ideas were passed one, new ideas had to be generated, based on the previous thought off idea. This could be expanding the previous idea or just using an aspect of that idea.
In the end this method had produces 36 ideas, 9 on each object. After that, the ideas are selected on whether they are relevant and have any value.
They have created a rather simple lay-out which at first seemed a good choice; afterwards the design choice was not that good because of the simplicity. The lay-out doesn’t lure the user to keep reading. One of the requirements of a good report is create a general line in the report, which this report doesn’t have. One of our questions is how they got to the concept which they have now.
The previous group uses the words “you, your and we” too much. This results in a less professional report, which could be prevented if such words aren’t used.It should be better when ‘abstract’ is placed in the introduction? They should’ve looked at what a abstract means and how to use it better.
It’s a summary/conclusion of what they did, not a a way to lure the reader to continue reading. The product description sounds good, but the full explanation should be in the appendix. (which is missing)
They’ve looked at what’ s already on the market but they didn’t connect it to their own report. They didn’t drew any conclusion and didn’t include any pictures. It would be nice to have a clearer and more elaborate explanation of the product. There isn’t any depth in the explanation, they could’ve told something about the creator of the product and where their focus lied. They copied a lot of information directly of the internet like the ‘webchair’. This is okay to do if they write their own interpretation afterwards but they fail to do so. In the ‘scotty’ piece they only ask questions and don’t explain how this contributes to Enhancing Distributed Communications. We think they forget the goal of the project and went their own way.
They don’t give an explanation on why they choose sick children, there’s no introduction. Their choice just isn’t that well built by a brainstorming session. The link between their research and target area is missing or not clear enough.
What do the pictures mean? It doesn’t have a real value to the explanation if their ideas. Some pictures do explain their research a bit.
They have used a good structure; using a introduction, interface and goal. The piece of technology could have been added in the interface.
This part is brief and clear. They could have told more about the brainstorming session with the client. Which techniques are used in other products, give some more details. They say that Graham Smith wants to use more advanced technology, how did they use that knowledge? Graham Smith doesn’t mind if the desired effect is simulated in order to show how it works.
The project doesn’t have a clear connection with this game, where is the video connection integrated? How did they get the idea to create such a game and how was the image created?
Motion Sport Games en Board Games
This is a common idea which looks like the Wii; another group in Orange has used the exact idea for their project. They have explained other concepts better than this one. It’s a good idea to use board games and using a storyboard really clarifies the use of the game.
It’s ones again a new concept, everything is bit of the same. Where are the results of the thinkering session, how does such a session work? Using pictures would make it more attractive to read.
It’s a new concept which they didn’t talk about before. They show a clear overview of the electronica inside but they didn’t show a picture of their concept. Everything is explained well but the piece lacks the structure which was found in other concepts. How did they use flash, they need to explain more about the use of Flash.
Belongs under the header ‘Final Concept’
They don’t have an appendix, the sources aren’t written down correctly, no end notes and they don’t recommend the client about what to do.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Graham Smith is a well-known artist in the design world and has exhibited his work in the Netherlands, Germany and Canada. For over 25 years now Graham is creating so called telepresence art. In his inventions and creations different kinds of media are used to create interaction, like robotic, photographic, virtual reality and telepresence media.
Below several of Graham´s projects will be described to indicate in what kind of projects this artist is involved.
This 4-year multi-disciplinary project is meant for the Culture Capitol in Germany in 2010. University researchers, artists, architects, urban planners, designers and high school students are united with this project. They work together to create the new model of the future citie and exchange their visions and ideas on how they live, how they want to live and how to design and plan their future urban landscapes.
This will result in a detailed real three-dimensional model. A small remote-controlled video robot travels through the model, which people can guide through the future streets, houses, and squares. The view of the robot is displayed on a screen and in this way a unique perspective on the future city is provided using the “eyes” of the robot.
The Emotion Chair is a concept developed specially for deaf people. The goal is to give deaf people the opportunity to enjoy a movie in their unique way. The idea is to provide deaf people with a mixture of sensory experiences to allow them to better “feel” and experience the effects of the music and sound in a film.
3 years of research by Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada to develop and test the Assisted Sensory Information Display (ASID) provided enough knowledge to realise the idea.
The sensory experiences are built in a chair on a motion platform. The Emotion Chair can blow hot and cold air at the face or neck, can even generate various smells, has 12 speakers under several body parts and the 22” LCD lights up with different colors.
The project is demonstrated at V2 in Rotterdam Feb 21, 2008.
MOBI stands for Mobil Operating Bi-directional Interface and is a human size telepresence robot. Users can remotely control MOBI to move through distant environment and talk and hear through its speakers while he sees through the robot camera eye. Next to that a lifesize image of the user is projected on the LCD head of the robot throught video-connection. MOBI allows people to "explore far away art shows, attend distant presentations and make public appearances from anywhere on earth, thus helping to reduce air travel and global warming".3
A second version of MOBI, MOBI JR, was specially designed to interact with children using telepresence, which is smaller. MOBI JR. was shown at the STRP Art and Technology Festival in Eindhoven, The Nederlands.
This project was developed with the Industrial Design and Robotics Department at the Utrecht School of the Arts in the Netherlands.
1 The entire website of Graham Smith is available at http://www.telepresenceart.com
2 The entire website of The Third Eye is available at http://www.cybercityruhr.com
3 Text used from http://www.telepresenceart.com/artworks
Webchair is a system that enables to regain personal contact with friends, family and school, over distance.
“it allows people to stay connected to their social environments”
“The mission of WebChair is to improve communications and to raise people out of isolation and, by doing so, contribute to a world of better understanding between people, businesses and cultures.
“was Chief Scientist at Telbotics, Toronto, before starting WebChair, his 3d start- up company.”
Background in technology, finance and culture.
• high quality camera
• 270 degrees field of view
• 32”screen
• Natural proportions
• Web based
• USB hub
• Wheeled office chair
• Storage area for peripherals
• Pan/Tilt/Zoom camera with control software
• Wireless microphone
• Integrated computer, wireless keyboard and mouse
• HD videoconferencing systems from Polycom, Tandberg, Sony and Lifesize
• Battery pack for wireless operation
The company structure is an VOF (A cooperation within two of more partners have a company, each member of the firm puts effort, money, labor etc in the company. Each member of the company is 100% responsible for the obligations of the company. When the company goes bankrupt the members of the company can also become bankrupt)
iWebchair, (Unknown) Entire webpage,Available at: http://webchair.com [Accessed on] 04-20-2009
Kamer van Koophandel, (2009) De vennootschap onder firma (vof)
Available at: http://www.kvk.nl/wettenenregels/110_Rechtsvormen/rechtsvormen/DevennootschaponderfirmaVOF.asp
[Accessed on] 04-20-2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
Telepresence and Time Spent in Game Play Experiencing Telepresence in Video Games: The Role of Telepresence Tendencies, Game Experience, Gender, and Time Spent in Play
Presence: A psychological state or subjective perception in which even though part or all of an individual's current experience is generated by and/or filtered through human-made technology, part or all of the individual's perception fails to accurately acknowledge the role of the technology in the experience
Illusion of non-mediation is fundamentally related to a sense of immersion and control over the environment
Telepresence Tendency
However, Steuer (1992) argues that beyond simple consideration of the characteristics of a mediated experience, presence is a complex phenomenon that is a product of multiple factors. These factors may include situational variables, individual differences among media users, and the nature of the interactive experience itself. Howe and Sharkey (1998) further add to this conceptualization by suggesting that individual differences in both competence (the ability to use the interactive environment) and temperament (individual personality characteristics) are important components of presence.
Past Experience
Important to consider how long term exposure to a medium may affect ones adaptability to and immersion in it.
The habitual use of a particular interactive realm should, in theory, heighten the level of presence experienced in a given interaction in that environment.
Presence and Gender
For example, report that women experience more presence related responses than men when screen sizes are changed. Botta and Bracken (2004) report that women are more accepting of idealized body images when they perceive the message as more realistic, while men are affected by extremely strong reactions to their sense of immersion in the experience.
On the other hand, at least one study found has found no gender differences in presence related variables
Length of Game Play
Prolonged exposure increases the psychological departure from the user’s physical environment
Ability to maneuver and navigate will improve with prolonged exposure, as one could learn (through immersion) the skills necessary to adapt to the environment
Differences in psychological processing may take place at different levels of video game play, and that length of exposure may be an important factor in the ways in which users interact with and respond to video games as a virtual environment.
Research Questions
Research on gender differences in adaptation to virtual environments provides little in terms of a clear delineation between men and women in terms of the level of presence they experience, though we may surmise that men should have a stronger interest in a video game environment and perhaps experience greater levels of presence through their level of psychological involvement. Further, regardless of gender, those with past experience in a specific virtual environment should also adapt more easily and experience greater presence.
RQ1: What effect will the length of time spent in game play have on the level of telepresence experienced?
RQ2: What impact will participant sex have on telepresence experienced? RQ3: What is the combined effect of telepresence tendency, sex, past game experience, and time spent in game play on the level of telepresence experienced?
The mean scores suggest that the gap between males and females on presence may actually increase over time spent in play. It may be the case that regardless of the underlying reason, those interested and familiar with interactive experiences of this kind will adapt to the environment over a short period of time, while those who are not will not adapt and may even lose interest. The third research question then attempted to examine the separate and combined effects of gender, trait telepresence tendency, past experience with the game in question, and length of time spent in game play. The results offer some preliminary suggestions concerning the way in which adaptability to virtual environments takes place.
All acadamic research, (unknown), Experiencing Telepresence in Video Games: The Role of Telepresence Tendencies, Game Experience, Gender, and Time Spent in Play
Available at:
[Accessed on] 04-20-2009
Saturday, April 18, 2009
• “Board games”
o Augmented reality
• Create a new world on your table
• Change the world
• Use the world to create an atmosphere that improves your communication for a specific goal
• Create a world together
o Based on each other inspiration, pictures,quotes, objects etc.
o Based on preset 3d models
• Invite the other in your “digital” world
o Magnet
• There are magnets placed under the playfield, the characters/pawns are placed on top of the playfield, the magnets will move so the pawns will move over the playfield.
o E-ink draw on the same piece oof paper
o Rfid
• Different readers are placed within the playfield, the characters/pawns will move over the playfield with little motors integrated in them. Games can be played using the location of the pawns.
o Video recognition
• Same as with Rfid only with video recognition.
• Express identity
o Customized characters
• Ability to change appearance
• Different looks/cloths
o Using an object in another environment
• Daily object
• Use a daily life object to carry out a message or identity
• Human sized character robot
o Boxing
o Touch
• If the robot is being touched the other player will feel it.
Enhancing distributed communication is a project for B1.1 students on Industrial Design TU/e, proposed by Sam Nemeth, who is also the project coach. Communication plays a major role in human being’s daily life. Especially for people separated by a long distance it can be an issue to communicate properly. An important invention to enhance this translocal communication is video-connection. This technology allows both individuals to see and hear each other using a webcam.
Currently a new innovation is being developed using video-connection: the Webchair. This concept is meant for assisting persons isolated by sickness or long distance to regain personal contact.
The goal of this project is to create a concept that intensifies the translocal relationship using the videoconference system and adding gameplay in an innovative way. The possibilities of contribution of video-connection to intensify the relationship will be explored as well.
The results of the project will be a prototype where in the needed technology is integrated and which carries out the working and interaction of the concept.
The team consists of five B1.1 students:
Sacha I.Franken, David R. Hillebrand, Thomas P. Rus, Jan-Wisse Trooster and Mart H. Wetzels.